
Last Lyrics

  • My Nut Brown Maiden

  • Horo, my nut brown maiden
    Hiri, my nut brown maiden
    Horo, ro maiden
    For she's the maid for me.

    Her eye so mildly beaming
    Her look so frank and free
    In waking and in dreaming
    Is evermore with me.

    Oh Mary, mild-eyed Mary
    By land or on the sea
    Though time and tide may vary
    My heart beats true to thee.

    With thy fair face before me
    How sweetly flew the hour
    When all thy beauty o'er me
    Came streaming in its power.

    The face with kindness glowing
    The face that hides no guile
    The light grace of thy going
    The witchcraft of thy smile.

    And when with blossoms laden
    Bright summer comes again
    I'll fetch my nut brown maiden
    Down from the bonny glen.

    English lyrics of all the songs. The words of all the songs.