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  • All You Got 8th Day Title Track Shmuli and Bentzy Marcus Jewish Music Lyrics

  • All You Got
    8th Day

    Title Track

    After one hundred and twenty five years
    You go up to heaven you climb all those stairs
    They won't ask you were you wise like Solomon
    They won't ask you were you strong like Samson

    They'll ask just one question
    And you give just one answer
    It's the end of the game
    And only one thing matters
    They'll say - did you give it all you got

    'Cuz in this life you only have what you got
    So give it all you got
    In this world we only have what we got
    So give it all you got

    If you say it's easy I'll say it's not
    You gotta give it all you got
    If you say it's not for you I'll say it's your lot
    You gotta give it all you got

    If you say you're tired I'll say tick-tock
    You gotta give it all you got
    You could put my album on the shelf to rot
    Just give it all you got

    After working so hard and wiping those tears
    You look in the mirror you face all your fears
    Don't be a fool trying to be wise like Solomon
    Only the weak try to be strong like Samson

    I did what I said
    I got no one to blame
    Only one thing matters
    At the end of the game
    They'll say - did you give it all you got

    English lyrics of all the songs. The words of all the songs.